My writing goal is to review and revise my writing to correct grammar, spelling and punctuation independently.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because Troy thinks I need to work on that.
I will accomplish my goal by writing and self editing stories about a variety of topics. They might include fairytales, animals facts or sciencey things.
My reading goal is to infer meaning (ideas and information not directly started in the text.)
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because Troy thinks I need to work on that.
I will accomplish my goal by reading a range of books with rich vocabulary and being involved in discussions with my learning partner or group about the authors main ideas. I could work on this by getting more involved in with my learning partner or group by talking a bit more and understanding it but when I don't know it I will say "What does that mean?" so then I know what it means.
My maths goal is to use a range of strategies with accuracy.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because Ebony thinks I need to work on that.
I will accomplish my goal by working hard to gain an instant recall of 4, 6, 7 and 8 times tables. I could practise for two 15 minute sessions every week or I could use my Study Ladder account to focus on the ones I need to learn.My personal goal is to work on contributing to our class community
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because I want contribute more with the class and the community in Poutama.
I will accomplish my goal by talking a bit more so I am contributing with my group in reading, writing, maths and the class.