
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The School Triathlon

Today was the Russell Street school Tryathlon. When we got there I was very nervous and scared and I had butterflies in my tummy.

We started with the year 3 girls then year 3 boys then it was year 4 girls that was me. I went with our teacher we had a wear up then our teacher said GO. I went and I sprinted at the start and I ran as fast as I could. I went around half of the school.

Then I went in the pool. In the pool I did freestyle then I got out of the pool and went on to the bike. I was so close to the finish line and I gave Ebony my bike and took off my helmet. Then I ran to the finish line and I game 6th. My friend game 5 and then we talked about how well we did.

1 comment:

  1. To Sophie
    HI my name is Jade. I hope that you make comments on my blog. Cool bike! I can ride on a
    2 wheel bike.
    from jade
