
Saturday, 12 April 2014

Weet-Bix Tryathalon

WALT: share an experience with an audience
Success Criteria:
Share an experience so that someone else feels as thought they are experiencing it with you.
Share what you learnt
Share what you would do differently next time

What I am Proud of?
I am proud that I finished the course because this is my 3rd year so I am getting fitter so i can complete them faster.
What was challenging?
The swimming.
Why was It challenging?
 Because it was very deep in the pool and I had to swim 200km so that was 2 lengths of the pool, The little kids had to swim 1 length of the pool so that was 100km.
What one did I like out of swim bike or run?
I liked the bike.
Why did you like the bike?
 I liked the bike because it was longer but the fasts and easy-est, But when I am older and still doing it I will have two do 2 times because you are older.

Friday, 11 April 2014


W.A.L.T: Make good choices about my learning.

I am a self directed leaner look at my photo and see what my goal is and what I have reflected on.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Kotahitanga Poster

WALT: show kotahitanga
Success Criteria:
Use photos to share our camp experiences
Use text to explain the kotahitanga

This is my kotahitanga poster. Kotahitanga is when we are having fun and enjoyment with our friends. This was happening at camp on the 18th it started. When you are having fun and you think that someone did really well at something, you could say something nice to them, and maybe one day they will say something to you to brighten up your day. 

Anzac Key Note

W.A.L.T: Change facts off the Internet into our own words.
Me and Sophie did a keynote about Anzac day. We think it is really cool.

Monday, 7 April 2014


W.A.L.T: Watching closley.
We were doing an activity that involved watching very closely. It was quite hard but we think we might of come up with a good answer. Here is the link if you would like to try  Probability problem.

Our answers were 3 Reds 3 Greens and 4 blues.


Friday, 4 April 2014


W.A.L.T: Work out maths with Median, Mode, Mean and Range.
This is my maths I did with Grace it was quite hard. Try working them out yourself. Here is my finished copy.

Broken Calculator

WALT: To do Maths with a Broken Calculator. 

This is my Maths that I did today if you want to try it out here is the like.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Close Reading

WALT: Fill in the sentience.
Grace and I worked on a sheet of paper to fill in the sentience. There were sentience's that we had to use up in the top were words we had to use. Here is the photo of the piece of paper for prof.


WALT: Gain meaning from text

1) What does Anzac day commemorate? ANZAC day is to commemorate to remember the solders that died in World war 1. If you are wondering what is the word commemorate is. It means remember.
2) How did Anzac biscuits get their name? ANZAC biscuits got there name after the World War 1. They were made while the women were making some biscuits, so after the world war 1 they made a name for them.
3) What does ANZAC stand for? ANZAC stands for Australian, New Zealand Army Corps.
4) Why is this years Anzac day important? This years ANZAC day is important because it as been 100 years since the World War 1 began.
5) What do you think RSS should do to commemorate Anzac day this year? Sell poppies, And have a pared dressed up in green and red because the poppies are red and there uniform was green.

I think it is good to have ANZAC day because everyone can remember them, also so you now what day it happened.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Today Grace and I made a poster about the poppies. We have ANZAC day to remember the people from world war 2 and 1. Poppies have red on them from the solders blood. Poppies grow were people die.

Camp Writting


Purpose: To tell about an experience from camp, using short sentences to create suspense.
WALT: Entertain (recount)
Task: To write a recount based on something scary or suspenseful that happened to you.

Criteria: I canSelf Assessment
Peer Comment
Descriptive vocabulary (words that help to SHOW the reader)
  • use a range of verbs
  • use a variety of adverbs
Language features (phrases that help paint a picture)
  • select 2 - 3 similes
  • select 2 - 3 metaphors or personification
  • choose onomatopoeia to show sounds (crash!)
  • select words that start with the same sound (alliteration)
  • use short sentences to create suspense
  • use 3 - 5 paragraphs.
Name: Georgia
Overall, how well do you think your learning partner has done?

Comment: I think that Sophie did a really good job on her camp writing. She put lots of personification and paragraphs. She could work on maybe putting some onomatopoeia. 
By Georgia.

It was the time, it was now time to move to the frighting wall of terror. I look up. Oh no! Only that it is 12 meters, It still looks really high I don't mean really high I mean really really high up.

I put on the gear now I put on the yellow helmet It is as yellow as a sour lemon. I look up my legs are shaking like crazy. A lady comes and stands right in front of us she introduced herself, her name was Ants. She has done the Frighting wall of terror. She goes into the tour I hear a creak as she steps up the creaking ladders.

Ants is at the top of the frighting wall of terror. She calls for 2 people. Jade and Harrison stand up and go into the frighting wall of terror I look up and stare at them at the top of the frighting wall of terror.

It is the time she is calling for me I go inside. The ladders are shaking like an echo. I am at the top it is an amazing view from up here I'm going down I do a humaneness jump. I spin round and I am at the bottom. I don't no why my legs are still shaking! But it is over with.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Group G Presentation

WALT: present
Success Criteria:
Know your stuff 
Loud clear voice
Share the main points
Make eye contact
Make sure every member participates

This is my presentation my group and I did before we went to camp. We learned about Rock Climbing and made a Comic Life sharing our knowledge about it with the class.
I think I could improve by making my voice louder. I think I did a really good job of knowing what I need to say next. Also I think I did a really good job of looking up when I was talking. 

Starts Sharp Shooting

WALT calculate the mean, median, mode and range for a set of data.
TASK Elly and Troy want to find out once and for all:
  • which Activity Group has the overall best score, (mean)
  • which Activity Group has the highest middle number, (median)
  • what score was the most common, (mode)
  • which activity group has the highest range. (range)  

In everyday life people collect data to look for trends and make decisions. In order to analyse the information, we need to understand the different ways to lOOK at the data.

Success Criteria you will know you are successful when:
  • calculate the mean by adding up all the data (9 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 30) then divide the total by how many numbers there were (9, 4, 4, 5, 8 = 5 numbers so 30 ÷ 5 = 6).
  • calculate the median by ordering all numbers from smallest to biggest then selecting the middle number (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 5 is the middle number). If there are 6 numbers e.g. 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, then the median is halfway = 5.5.
  • calculate the mode by identifying which number occurs most often (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 4 because there are two of them). You can have more than one mode.
  • calculate the range by finding the difference between the highest and lowest numbers (9 - 4 = 5).
    My score was 0, 16, 22.
    Now I had those scores, so that = 38
    Now I dived 38 and 3 because I had 3 goes and that = 12.5 
    Range: My range is 22 because you had to had up the lost-est score and the high-est score so that = 22.  
Range: My lowest score was 0 and my high-est was 22.
    Jade got on the piece of paper 21, 24, 29.
    The number that had up all together was 74

Cam got on the piece of paper 22, 40, 40.
The number that had up all together was 102
Now I have dived that up, so it = 24.5

Baliey got on the piece of paper 28, 33, 38

The number that had up all together was 98

Now I have dived that up, so it =  32.5

Harrison got on the piece of paper 29, 32, 39.
The number the had up all together was 100
 Now I have dived that up, so it = 33.2

Iggy  got on the piece of paper 38
, 42, 43.
 The number that had up all together was 123

 Now I have dived that up, so it =

Mode:  Cam got 40 two times.