
Thursday, 26 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  
1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know?
I have achieved these goals because I used all my energy in the whole day not when I woke up. Also I know more about my group because I now know a lot more about them.

2.  What are you most proud of from the Marae stay and why?
I am most proud of not working with my friends or people I know because I want to know more about some other people.

3.  What challenged you the most and why?
The Gorge walk challenged me the most because I have done it for a while so when I went up my legs stared to hurt. But it was a lot of fun!

 This is my bookmark that we made after the Marae. The first one means teamwork and togetherness. The second one is when I was on the gorge walk I saw a Kereru for the first time. And the last one is the gorge walk because it is a really cool place of nature.

Monday, 23 March 2015


A pepeha tells people about how you connect to a place. This is our Russell Street School pepeha.

Ko Ruahine me Tararua ngā maunga

Ko Manawatu te awa

Ko Kurahāupo te waka

Ko Rangitāne te iwi

Ko Te Ahu A Turanga te marae

Ko Russell Street School te kura

Ko Daniel rāua ko Dianna ōku mātua

Ko Sophie au

Position And Orientation (Geometry With Eb)

Description: We have been learning about Position and Orientation with Eb. It is a part of our learning about Geometry at maths time.

WALT: give and follow directions using, left, right, up, down, North, South, East and West


1. What major landmarks can you see from the Plaza? Bus Stop, Subway and the Library.

2. What is the closest landmark North-West from McDonalds? Bus Stop

3. What direction is the Arena from United Video? South West. 

4. After the doctors I turn right down Victoria Ave and turn right at the round about. I travel South-West until the main road. Turn left. Follow road and stop at the 3rd right turn.Travel South-West and stop at the bottom corner of the square. What am I doing?...

a) Going Shopping        
b) Getting a Sandwich at Subway        
c) Getting a library book        
d) Hiring a DVD

5. Create your own instructions for someone to follow using the language you have learned.

You start at the Plaza I turn Left around the square alone Main St down Princess St were am I? 

Am I:
A) Plaza
C) Doctors 
D) McDonalds

Feedback And Feedforward: 
I think that you have payed a lot of attention in Ebony's Maths class. Next time you could maybe make a movie to show your audience because some of then might be a visual learner. Georgia

I agree with georgia that will be my goal next time I do this I will make a movie at home when I am able to. My other goal would be to now my south east west and north more because I keep on forgetting were they are but apart from that I reckon that I am fine.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Story Telling

Purpose: create a story to share orally
Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in week 7.
The Big Idea: 
My story is about a girl, called Abby. In this story here Mum tells her not to go in a strangers car. But when she comes back from school she hops in a strangers van. Her Mum and dad find her in the dump and tell her "See why you don't go in a strangers car!"


When I do this again my goal will be to do it with more loud crowd voice so that everyone can here what I am saying more clearly. I have achieved what kayla has said on my second time. Kayla said that I need to make more facial expiration.  

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Reading Goal For Term 1

From our star test we could identify which goal we needed to work on.  

My goal is to work on my Expand Vocab There are other goals in reading but I needed to work on my Vocab