
Tuesday 16 June 2015

Writing Portfolio


My goal in writing has been connectives.  Connectives are when you but two sentences together. I have chosen this goal in writing. We had to chose one goal to work on the most, there were sentences, words and ideas. In my writing I am trying to get better at connectives by looking at some words to make the sentences together. I have got better at this by looking at the boxes of connectives to but in between. The words in red are the connectives & conjunctions.

Big Idea
In my writing I think I need to use a few more connectives in my writing. So then I will have a lot of them, so then I can chose another goal I could work on.

Feedback & Feedforward: 
You are excellent at using speech marks Sophie I can see you understand how it works, I agree that you need to work on using more connectives in your writing. Well Done! Grace

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