
Thursday, 26 June 2014

Grasshopper Tennis Sample

WALT: Improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing and hitting.

We have been practicing tennis with big John. Big John is the guy that teaches us Grasshopper Tennis.  We are doing this because to reflect on how we are going with tennis skills we have learnt. He a taught us some tennis skills that help us with controlling and hitting the ball.

I am most proud of completing my last years goal, the goal was to work on pat the dog. I found challenging was picking up the ball with my racket. My goal next time is to practice picking up the ball so then I know how to do it know.

I like how you have no just put I think I need to work picking the ball up you have actually put the reason why you need to practice this next time. Great Work :D
If I had to mark you post of of a 10 I would mark it a 9 because of your honesty when you evaluated yourself and because of your very professional layout for this post. Great Work Again :) :D

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Spelling Activity

WALT: rote learn our fast words
WALT: work independently

As a Spelling Priority every week we have to do a spelling Priority. This is the forth one, I always like to do the spelling Priority because I get to learn my words more and i get to write and draw.

Feedback:I think you did a good job at adding detail and Nice Spelling. -Zara


Annoying Poster

W.A.L.T: Collect Ideas and experiences

We had to make a annoying poster from one of our priority. I made my one about what annoys me at my house.

 I think I thought my hardest but I could of use a bit more things that annoy me at home so I think I am almost there. 

WOW Sophie I think you did a god job at adding colour I think you could improve on a bit more. :) -Zara

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Science Sample

WALT: Show our understanding of how energy works.


DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about energy. To share our learning, we have made a video to explain how energy works. I learned that kinetic energy is moving energy, and potential energy is when it is still but it as the ability to change into kinetic energy.

Evaluation: I think I got 10/10 because I have been better on my camera skills then in the past.

Feed Back: I think that you did a great job but you could make it a bit longer because it was not really explaining much.

Feed Forward: I think that you did a great job I give you a 9/10 because you could explain how it happens.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Integrity Sample

WALT: Show Integrity

Success Criteria:

S.C 1: (What does integrity look like?)
-Integrity needs to be in the title or the ending
-Definition of Integrity
-Clear message, not a movie where people go huh?
-An ‘A ha’ moment.

S.C 2: (What does a good movie need?)
-Good acting (speak clearly, clear movements, confidence in themselves, not having back to camera, clear sound recording)
-Different angles shot from.
-Should be roughly a minute long
-Edited clips (no long periods of nothing)

SC 3: Planning
-Should have a storyboard and a script
-Practise run before you actually record

Task: We are making a short movie that shows integrity looks like with our little buddys. 

We made a short video to show integrity. I worked with Emma Georgia and Emily. I learned more about my group that I worked with. My goal was to know more about my group more about them and now I no them a lot better then I used to.

I think I did well because we had a script for our movie so we knew what we were going to say. Also I did a good job because we all did everything on the Success Criteria right. So I give myself a 10 /10.

 I think that you have done a great job and know what integrity is about you have done all the stuff it says on the criteria well done Sophie! Grace.S

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Writting Sample

WALT: Inform

We have been making a writing sample, This my one my writing I chose out of my writing book, so I chose this one about waves. We had to chose between the waves and newtons cradle So I chose the waves. The thing I learned about energy was, that potential is stored energy so it is not moving and kinetic energy is moving energy so if you through a ball that is moving energy.

My question is: How does heat travel?

Most of our heat on Earth comes from the sun. It travels to us in waves. These waves shimmer down from the sun and either bounce off earth or are absorbed in the ground.

When heat from the sun reflects on the concrete the concrete has stored heat, and then it gently releases it through the day.

When a surfer wants to surf on a wave that is coming. He will start to paddle then the wave will catch the surfer. But the surfer just stays in one place like the middle. The surfer will only move by using their hips. This is the same way as heat travels, in waves just like in the ocean.

When you put a speaker under a glass filled with water you can see the waves going up through the water. These are called sound waves.

Next time when it is a hot day look on the road to see if there is shimmers from the sun on the concrete. Maybe you could try some of these things.

I think I have done 10/9 because I could of used more information into my writing.

I think that you are very good at writing but you could add more information.
I give you a 8/10.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Literacy Sample

WALT: Rote Learn

Task: Make a mnemonic to help us our spelling words us a memory aid.

We are making a literacy sample. We are doing this to show a strategy to help us learn our spelling words, to share during our Student Led Conference. 
How does a mnemonic help us with our spelling words?
Example if you can make a sentience saying " Dogs Invented Fire Feet Every Round Evening Time." Then you know how to spell different because every begging of a word as the letters and in order.    

How well do you think you did?
I think I have done 10/9 because I have explained about it the best I could do. But I could use more words in my writing.

I think you did a great description telling what a mnemonic is that you do a great job writing another description on some other things you write about on your blogs.

I think that you made a great example of mnemonics
but you need to add more information!